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Cricket 2013 EA Sports Full Version Download

Cricket 2013 Ea sports PC game download
EA Sports Cricket 2013
Cricket 2013 Ea sports full free download now.This game is HD version of Cricket 2013 Ea sports.It is most popular game for over the world.Cricket 2013 is very wonderful PC cricket game.I play this game.Seriously this is very very nice game.
You are very easily download this game. just single click download link & download this game. So download ,play & enjoy this game.

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If you WANT to play the new series(IPL Vs BPL, Jazz Cup 2012,ASIA CUP 2012, TOUR OF INDIA etc) then
follow the rules which are here.

1. If you want to play IPL Vs BPL 2012 then GO TO BPL 2012 & BPL Vs IPL. There you'll see an OPTION which is
called IPL VS BPL 2012. Then Choose IPL Vs BPL 2012. After that select your TEAM and start for playing.

2. If you want to play Jazz Cup 2012 then GO TO "New SERIES & TOUR OF INDIA". Here you'll see an OPTION which is CALLED Juzz Cup 2012. Go there. Then choose Play SERIES. After that you have to CHOOSE ENGLAND for playing the series as SRI LANKA or PAKISTAN. Now Play the SERIES and enjoy.

3. If you want to play Asia CUP 2012 then GO TO "New SERIES & TOUR OF INDIA". There you'll see an OPTION which is called Asia CUP 2012 & ENG TOUR OF IND". Go there. Then Choose PLAY SERIES. After that MUST CHOOSE AUSTRALIA to play the series as BANGLADESH, PAKISTAN, INDIA, SRI LANKA. If you CHOOSE ENGLAND then you cant play the SERIES. So you've to CHOOSE AUSTRALIA.

4. If you want to play ENGLAND TOUR OF INDIA then GO TO "New SERIES & TOUR OF INDIA".
There you'll see an OPTION which is called Asia CUP 2012 & ENG TOUR OF IND". Go there. Then
Choose ENGLAND to play. Cause this is the tour of INDIA not INDIA's tour in ENGLAND. Its
ENGLAND's TOUR. If you SELECT AUSTRALIA then you cant play..So you've to CHOOSE ENGLAND.

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